
Stage 1: Foundation and Development

  • Studying artificial intelligence and decentralized finance, followed by assembling the idea

  • Launching the $PIA token on Ethereum blockchains on Uniswap

  • Introduce the key feature/product, the Olympia AI All-in-One AI Assistant bot.

  • Encourage community growth by fostering a robust social media network embracing community input.

Stage 2: Evolution and Improvement

  • Marketing and form long lasting partnership with KOLs and penetrate the cryptocurrency market.

  • Release of a GPU and VPS telegram bot

  • Release of All in one AI Tools platform.

  • Listing to CMC, CG, and other decentralized exchanges to boost visibility

  • By releasing staking rewards, increase the ecosystem's advantage for $PIA holders.

Stage 3: Boosting and scaling up

  • Establishing a sustainable ecosystem through revenue share implementation.

  • Sponsorship and collaborations with other projects to expand the user base of the platform.

  • CEX listing to increase accessibility.

Last updated